Yesterday in Mecca, Asíwájú Bola Tinubu performed tawaf (the circumambulation of the Hily Kaabah seven times).
This is one of the most rigorous physical engagements one can perform in Mecca…
Tawaf can range from 1.4 to 4. 1 kilometers depending on the crowd and which floor it is performed.
Yet this is the man some say is sick and shaking. Asíwájú has been doing it yearly. And this is despite the fact he just had a knee surgery.
There is a popular Yoruba saying that it is not the person that is bedridden that will die first. Many people that were thought healthy had dropped dead.
It is sad that there is no length political opponents and mischief makers won’t go in a bid to hobble the political flights of their competitors.
Asiwaju is healthy in body and soul to be the President of Nigeria and he will do a damn good job. His mental capacity and extraordinary leadership abilities set him ahead of others by miles.
#BAT2023 #Tinubu2023